UFC 179: Aldo vs. Mendes 2 (25/10/2014 - Rio)

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Iscritto il:21/10/2008, 22:37

01/10/2014, 9:41

MAIN CARD (Fox Sports 2 HD, 4 a.m. ITA)

Jose Aldo vs. Chad Mendes (for featherweight title)
Phil Davis vs. Glover Teixeira
Fabio Maldonado vs. Hans Stringer
Darren Elkins vs. Lucas Martins
Beneil Dariush vs. Diego Ferreira


William Macario vs. Neil Magny
Yan Cabral vs. Naoyuki Kotani
Scott Jorgensen vs. Wilson Reis
Felipe Arantes vs. Andre Fili
Gilbert Burns vs. Christos Giagos
Fabricio Camoes vs. Tony Martin

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Iscritto il:21/10/2008, 22:37

01/10/2014, 9:42

Chael Sonnen ha scritto:I think there's some opportunity out there for a number of guys. Conor McGregor is, without question, the most entertaining guy in or out of the cage right now. There are some other guys that are fun and get what we're doing and understand that you've got a personality, and when they put you on camera, they're trying to see that personality.

Then you've got these other guys, in their suits and ties, and they go out and just sit there, like they're going to win over the fans with that suit and tie. I just don't understand it. If you want to be exciting, then be exciting. Don't make the UFC buy you a plane ticket to whatever press conference is in question if you're not going to help yourself along.

There's guys out there that are really great. I look at Jose Aldo, and he's just so good. I personally have him ranked as the Number 2 fighter in the world, behind Jon Jones. Aldo may be the Number 1 fighter. That Featherweight class is so much harder than Jones' weight class. The point is, he's the lowest paid champ in UFC history. He's the lowest drawing champion in UFC history, and that's 100% his fault. He's complaining about money constantly, but he's been on the PPV cards like the rest of the champions have. He just does nothing to maneuver his career.

If I was Jose Aldo, and I know that I can't draw flies, the second Cain (Velasquez) gets announced to fight in Mexico against Fabricio Werdum, I would have picked a fight. I would have picked a fight, I would have picked that date, and I would have gone to the media and called out whatever opponent it was, and I would have said, ‘Meet me in Mexico.' I would have taken advantage of the revenue that Cain is going to bring in.

That concept that I just laid out to you would be such a foreign idea to him and his management team, despite that it's so obvious. What I said is 101. You get on the biggest cards if you're fighting PPV like the champions are. I don't think any of this is crossing his mind.

If I can't create a big card, then I'm gonna get stuck on a big card. If I'm fighting Rashad Evans, and he and I can't draw on our own, then I'm going to challenge him to a co-main with St. Pierre on top, headlining. Then, I'm going to benefit from the biggest PPV of the year.

When they ask you who you want to fight, have an answer. If you don't have an answer, do not say, ‘I will fight whoever the UFC wants me to fight.' Not only do they not name anybody's name, they then go to the absolute worst default, which is the ‘I'll fight anybody' line.

They didn't just miss the ball, they struck out. I've also seen them call out multiple guys. ‘Well, I wanna fight this guy or this guy.' Now you've just divided your own fan base. Half of them are gonna go left, half are gonna go right. Focus everything on one guy.

When people would ask me, I would go one of two ways; I would either go after the champion, or I would say I wanted to fight the worst guy with the most appalling record in the biggest venue for the largest paycheck. Why? Because it's also a truthful answer. You don't need to fight Number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-10. Either fight Number 1 or fight Number 20. You want to get the championship, or you want a fight that will make you look great in there. If there's not an architecture, you've got to create one.

An example is when Rashad and I were going to fight. Rashad and I aren't going to do huge numbers as a main event, but we're both in on the PPV and we both need to be on big cards. When I find out that the 20 year anniversary is coming up and Georges St. Pierre is gonna fight Johny Hendricks, I had my own poster made. I went to a graphic designer, I paid the money and had my own poster made. I then sent Rashad a tweet, and it simply said, ‘Rashad, what are you doing November 16th?' He writes me back and says, ‘Nothing, what's up?' I said, ‘I'll give you one hint' and I tweeted out the picture of the poster. It's got me and Rashad on it with the date and the venue. It was great.

The very next day, Joe Silva yells at me in a hotel in Indianapolis, ‘What are you trying to do, announce your own fights? We announce fights, not you.' The day after that, I had a contract to fight Rashad Evans on November 16th, which just happened to be the highest grossing PPV of the year.

You have got to go outside the box a little bit. You've got to risk being yelled at by Joe Silva, but at the end of the day, you can get your way. The minute I sent that tweet out with the poster, every media outlet picked it up. Now the UFC is faced with two choices. They can either do a fight that I had already announced, or they can try to unwind $5 million worth of free media that tweet got after every media outlet picked it up. It's a lot easier to just send me a contract and send me my PPV bonus [laughs].

Jose Aldo is beating everybody up. I don't say this as a knock on him. I like the guy and I pick him to talk about because I think that he deserves more, but he's got to go out and earn it. He's got to bring in the interest. I can't tell you how often I have to tell people who Jose Aldo is and that he's the current champion. People think that McGregor is the champion because he's fast become the guy in that division that stands out.

It's all about having a hand in your own career, and a lot of these guys just don't do it. Some of these guys just don't get it or understand it, and later down the road, they'll regret it. The few that do, have a lot of fun with it. For me, Conor McGregor is that guy. He's your next real superstar.
http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2014/10/1/68 ... rounds-mma" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Iscritto il:14/11/2011, 22:56

01/10/2014, 10:12

Da un certo punto di vista Sonnen ha ragione, Aldo vs Mendes 2 per me è a mani basse l'incontro di spessore più equilibrato di quest'anno eppure non ne parla nessuno. Nel primo match il brasiliano ha finalizzato l'avversario con un colpo da maestro dopo però aver sofferto il grappling dello sfidante (e i tentativi di aggrapparsi alla gabbia erano evidenti), è vero nessun takedown portato da Chad però siamo sicuri che il cardio di Aldo avrebbe retto anche un solo altro round di quel pressing asfissiante?
Tra l'altro dopo quel match Mendes ha inanellato una serie di vittorie degne di uno stiker navigato, giovandosi anche lui come altri compagni di camp dei consigli di Duane Ludwing, e avere il ko power con un avversario che tende a perdere vigore con l'andare avanti della contesa è un'arma in più.

Io spero solo che l'incontro sia confermato e che il brasiliano abbia modo di recuperare dai suoi problemi ai reni...

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Iscritto il:25/03/2011, 15:23

01/10/2014, 15:03

chael sonnen knows :ok:

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Iscritto il:25/03/2011, 15:23

01/10/2014, 18:37

Aldo's TDD was truly outstanding in that fight
and Yamasaki is an awesome ref .

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Iscritto il:07/08/2011, 21:11
Disciplina:BJJ,Satsui No Hado

01/10/2014, 20:02

Chad si è ampiamente meritato il rematch e spero che il suo pressing spinga Aldo a tirar fuori il killer instinct :boxe:

Vorrei vedere McGreGOAT provre quei calci fantascientifici contro Mendes o Aldo...giusto per curiosità :mrgreen:

Bell'incontro anche Teixeira-Davis...vedo abbastanza favorito Glover però.Troppo massicio,cattivo,mani pesanti in piedi e ottime sub skilll a terra.

Che sfiga Mendes ad affrontare Aldo entrambe le volte in Brasile :uhuh:

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Iscritto il:11/02/2012, 12:54
Disciplina:ormai solo divano

03/10/2014, 0:04

se vince aldo deve salire per me

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Iscritto il:14/11/2011, 22:56

03/10/2014, 10:16

La categoria piuma ha due fighter con winning streak di 6 e 7 incontri, è vero che entrambi non partono favoriti nei prossimi impegni ma in caso di vittoria sarebbe un delitto non dargli una title shot e sarebbero sfidanti più che legittimati. Poi c'è il fenomeno McGregor che sicuramente darebbe ad un incontro titolato grande interesse.
Francamente, anche in caso di vittoria contro Chad Mendes, mi sembrerebbe poco sensato per Aldo salire di categoria, a meno che davvero non abbia problemi nel tagliare il peso.
Josè sarà anche piazzato ma fisicamente non è paragonabile ai top lightweight, uno come Cerrone è più alto di lui dell'intera testa e immagino abbia anche un allungo molto superiore. Ben Henderson sembra suo fratello maggiore.

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Iscritto il:21/10/2008, 22:37

13/10/2014, 11:23


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Iscritto il:26/08/2013, 11:01
Disciplina:muay thai

13/10/2014, 11:55

Chad Mendes é migliorato ulteriormente....
sarà ancora più dura tenersi la cintura per José Aldo....

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Iscritto il:21/10/2008, 22:37

20/10/2014, 9:44


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Iscritto il:10/04/2008, 22:42
Disciplina:Kickboxing, lotta libera

20/10/2014, 15:23

UFC 179 “Aldo vs. Mendes”: Countdown video
:link http://www.mmamania.it/ufc-179-aldo-vs- ... own-video/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Big Country
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Iscritto il:03/03/2012, 15:42

20/10/2014, 18:17

Si potrebbe ripristinare il calendario eventi che c'era fino a poco tempo fa? Era davvero utile ma ora non riesco a trovarlo più, credo sia stato rimosso.

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Mr. Novembre
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Iscritto il:18/08/2009, 20:46

21/10/2014, 15:18

Big Country ha scritto: Si potrebbe ripristinare il calendario eventi che c'era fino a poco tempo fa? Era davvero utile ma ora non riesco a trovarlo più, credo sia stato rimosso.
vero! era una delle rubriche più utili di sempre... :(

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Iscritto il:21/10/2008, 22:37

22/10/2014, 9:57


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Big Country
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Iscritto il:03/03/2012, 15:42

22/10/2014, 16:28

Sempre moderato Conor ahahaha

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Iscritto il:10/04/2008, 22:42
Disciplina:Kickboxing, lotta libera

22/10/2014, 17:48

Mr. Novembre ha scritto:
Big Country ha scritto: Si potrebbe ripristinare il calendario eventi che c'era fino a poco tempo fa? Era davvero utile ma ora non riesco a trovarlo più, credo sia stato rimosso.
vero! era una delle rubriche più utili di sempre... :(
Tornato tutto per voi! ;)

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Iscritto il:25/03/2011, 15:23

22/10/2014, 19:49

nel calendario manca il match di sakara
ffc in austria

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Iscritto il:10/04/2008, 22:42
Disciplina:Kickboxing, lotta libera

22/10/2014, 20:21

Thanks! ;)

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Iscritto il:21/10/2008, 22:37

23/10/2014, 9:57


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