Grappling: nuove federazioni nazionali

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Iscritto il:14/04/2008, 14:41
Disciplina:Lotta Greco Romana, Libera, Grappling

06/05/2009, 23:09

Nascono due nuove federazioni nazionali di Grappling, la prima riguarda la Croazia :
Creation of the Croatian Grappling Committee

Mr. Rafael Perlungher, Head of Grappling Europe, has just returned from a visit to Croatia where he was invited to give a one-week grappling seminar to the students of Mr. Zeljko Vukovich's martial arts club in Dakovo.
The aim of the visit was also to discuss the general development of grappling in Croatia and Mr. Perlungher got invited to attend the first national meeting of the Croatian Grappling Committee during which the election of its President took place. A total of 15 people travelled from all corners of Croatia to participate in the meeting. Most of the participants were owners of martial arts or grappling teams, but one of the competitors in the 2008 World Grappling Championship in Lucerne also took part in the meeting. After a couple of hours of intense discussions, the board unanimously decided to appoint Mr. Vukovich as President of the new Croatian Grappling Committee.
"After having spent a week in Mr. Vukovich's company and having observed his dedication towards grappling, I have no doubt that he will do a great job in propelling grappling in Croatia and that he will become a key player on the international level. The attention that Mr. Vukovich brings to the youth is absolutely remarkable and I have very rarerely seen a grappling club with so many young and well-disciplined students", said Mr. Perlungher. The European Grappling Committee congratulates the Croatian Wrestling Federation for giving its full support to the Croatian Grappling Committee and wishes Mr. Vukovich a warm welcome into the FILA grappling world.

mentre la seconda riguarda l' Austria :
Creation of the Austrian Grappling Committee

The General Assembly of the Austrian Wrestling Federation took place in Wals on 17 April 2009. In addition to the election of the Board members, the General Assembly officially appointed Mr. Henry Steiner as Head of the newly formed Austrian Grappling Committee. Mr. Steiner has been following the development of FILA grappling very closely and he notably participated in the first World Grappling Championship as a competitor and referee. The Austrian Grappling Committee is currently working on the implementation of a national grappling league and it will organize its first international tournament under the FILA rules in Dornbirn on 6 June 2009. More information on the tournament are available at the following link.
The European Grappling Committee congratulates Mr. Steiner and wishes him plenty of success for the great challenge he accepted to take up." onclick=";return false;


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Iscritto il:14/04/2008, 14:41
Disciplina:Lotta Greco Romana, Libera, Grappling

26/05/2009, 22:00

Altre due nuove federazioni sul Grappling :
The European Grappling Committee is pleased to announce that two new National Committees were accepted by FILA as associated members in May. The first one is the Hellenic Federation of Submission Grappling and Submission Fighting, led by its President Mr. Dimitrios Dimitriou, and the second one is the Bosnia and Herzegovina Grappling Committee, led by Mr. Jasmin Poturovic who also became the first Bosnian grappling referee in 2008. These two new members have already started to take part in FILA activities and Mr. Dimitriou will organize a referees' seminar in Athens at the end of June to certify the first international Greek referees under the supervision of Mr. Rafael Perlungher, Head of Grappling Europe.
FILA and the European Grappling Committee welcome these two new members and wish them plenty of success in the development of grappling in their countries." onclick=";return false;

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